Rosart Rose Face Mask 50ml
Rose Face Mask
Incredible combination of seaweed, rich in vitamins, essential fatty acids, and polysaccharides, with the more than 300 biologically active compounds found in organic rose water and rose oil, forms a complete hydrating and regenerating complex for your face and neck. Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Reduces signs of tiredness and stress. Provides a significant anti-aging effect after just a few applications.
How to use
After cleansing with Cleanser, apply a generous amount of the mask to damp skin, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 5-10 minutes and rinse.
Active ingredients: Organic rose water and rose oil certified by the USDA, rose concrete, Marine ExoPolySaccharides - EPS Seafill.
Made in Bulgaria
這款面膜結合了富含維生素、必需脂肪酸和多醣的海藻,以及有機玫瑰水和玫瑰油中超過 300 種生物活性化合物,形成了一個完整的面部和頸部保濕和再生複合體。適用於所有皮膚類型,包括敏感肌膚。減少疲勞和壓力的跡象。僅需幾次使用即可顯著抗衰老。
潔面後,將充足的面膜塗抹在濕潤的皮膚上,避開眼部區域。靜置 5-10 分鐘,然後沖洗乾淨。
活性成份:經美國農業部(USDA)有機認證的玫瑰油和玫瑰水,玫瑰浸膏,海洋多醣體 - EPS Seafill。